The Truth in Print Vol. 22 Issue 10, Nov. 2016

A Publication of the Valley church of Christ,

2375 W. 8th Street, Yuma, AZ 85364 (928-782-5058)


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Sexism ~ Chauvinism (Part One)


    “Sexism” is much talked about today. I took a look at what some have to say on this and feminism in our society — while some were saying “be fair” as regards applications to both male and female, the majority eventuated to an outright attack on God’s “order” for men, women, marriage, the family, and the church of Christ. Thus the following newspaper article for October, 2016 here on a local level.


Surely Not Two Kinds of Chauvinists – Both Male and Female “Kind.”


   "If that male chauvinist pig had lived twenty-five years later, he'd have been sued for sexual harassment!” This statement is said to present an example of what a MCP was from the 60s era. In a lot of cases “lasciviousness” is referred to in calling a man both a chauvinist and a pig. “Chauvinism” is defined as the “Prejudicial belief in the superiority of one’s own group” -- be it among males or females. “Pig” was and still is used for police and others in authority with the implication that they abuse their authority and take advantage of others. Both women and men spew it in their protests of various kinds.  

   Lasciviousness (lewdness) is one of the works of the flesh in Gal. 5:19. Thayer’s lexicon defines “lasciviousness” as "wanton (acts or) manners, as filthy words, indecent bodily movements, unchaste handling of males and females, etc.” It applies to women too! Now don’t say “Oh you sexist!” for telling the truth on this. If there are (MCPs) then there are also (FCPs “female chauvinist pigs). This sin proceeds from the heart (Mk. 7:22). Read what wicked Jezebel did for her also wicked husband Ahab to a just man named Naboth (I Kings 21:4-16).  As young women and men grow up and hear so much about “sexism” they must learn to separate the good things that benefit women and men in society, that are also righteous, just and fair, from the filthy things such as the promotion of abortions, same gender sexual relations, seeking to replace the husband’s authority as the head of the wife – to name a few more.


   I read that sexism, which is discrimination based upon sex, is a social disease upon our society — either by groups or by individuals discriminating with their words and actions. I certainly agree to the dangers for women in societies as found in the Middle East and elsewhere — cultural norms and religious beliefs blend to the toleration of outright persecution of women. I’ve not heard of too many women here who leave and go to countries where women aren’t allowed to drive, go places in public alone, where they have honor killings, where mother in laws can make slaves of daughter in laws, etc.. In many foreign countries women discriminate against women. 

   Here in the U.S.A. in things where one can find both men and women with equal ability we have laws that make discrimination illegal as regards position, pay rate and scale, work hours and vacation and sick leave, job offers based on gender, etc.

   But don’t lose sight of the complete picture when it comes to discrimination — powerful forces are at work in our society that are all about the empowerment of women seeking to change our own culture, and not for the better — all one has to do is go to the Media outlets and see that lesbian, trans*whatever, gender self- identification — all of these and more have become a boast of power to overtake our culture and enforce their lesbian feminist point of view upon us. Young women and daughters must be warned about the great number of “filthy women” in our society, and not just about filthy men.

   Definitions of feminism describing it as a variety of diverse beliefs, movements and agendas for actions to make women equal to men, present in themselves the danger when it is defined as “any actions” and especially organized to move towards equality with men — a lot of feminist pride stems from being empowered by the wisdom from beneath, not from above — straight from the Devil himself (Ja. 3:15-17). There are a lot of filthy women in our society promoting various ungodly agendas for women!


The Bible doesn’t command a social disease but a God ordained relationship in marriage.


  I Peter 3:1-7 tells wives to be submissive to their own husbands — including those who have not obeyed the gospel. It demands chaste and respectful behavior — a gentle and quiet spirit (the heart) that is pleasing to God. Peter tells us that this is God’s longstanding “order” (I Pet. 3:5). In other words “man” didn’t dream this up to benefit himself! Adam was a husband; Eve his wife (Gen. 2:25, 3:6). There is also, as elsewhere in the New Testament, instructions for husbands as the heads of their own wives to live with their wives according to God’s directives (I Pet. 3:7; Eph. 5:22-23, 33). Not all, but some feminist or women would say, “Oh, that’s so sexist!” No, that’s God’s order! To understand what the Bible says about womanhood or feminism you don’t need to know all the classifications of what the world’s human wisdom says that “feminism” is. This variation has many classifications said to include:  “socialist feminism, Marxist feminism, liberal feminism, bourgeois feminism, individualist feminism, cultural feminism, social feminism, radical feminism, ecofeminism” etc.  



Women in Christ’s church


   You do what the New Testament commands you to do as a female or male and you won’t be a disgrace to your gender! The qualification for elders is only for men (ITim. 3:1-7); the same is true for deacons (I Tim. 3:8-13) in the Lord’s church. Leadership belongs to the men in the church, I Tim. 2:11-12.

   Women who are Christians always keep in mind that the works of the flesh are stated for “individuals” in Gal. 5:19-21, and they cover adultery, fornication *includes lesbianism & homosexuality, hatred, wrath and murders, lasciviousness, etc.

   Thus women, especially young women, must open their eyes and see what radical feminist really wanted as they demonstrated for their ideal equality — for example they won in the 70s on illegal abortions when protesting back alley abortions, but Roe Vs. Wade has helped make mass murder acceptable — by the 80s moral doctors were sickened to see women using abortions when contraception failed; it had become a right to murder. There is a lot covered up in that understanding of motherhood when considering the rights of the unborn.

   And take their understanding of “family” — more thought of now as just a “pair” of adults (any kind of pair—various filthy relationships) who are allowed children. Feminist material is continually updated to reflect politically correct thinking and the policies instituted by government. Soon it will be more than a “pair” and you know it, and is already in some minds — children are being taught these new definitions.

   Many feminists’ beliefs are an outright attack upon God’s order for men and women in the marriage relationship --- promoting lesbianism against heterosexuality — often including gender self-identification and transgender in with their “rights” — all the while wanting to force others into saying that these are morally acceptable behavior. Unless you agree they are moral, which they aren’t, you are considered to be against women.    



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